
cafeRacr t1_jbspodc wrote

Reply to Jobs by Wumboalt1

Plenty of jobs. What's your background and experience?


cafeRacr t1_j5dbq57 wrote

Personally, I think it should be required by all states. For the most part, when it comes to automotive maintenance, people are complete idiots. It's a safety hazard. I do however think it was a mistake by the state to de-regulate the cost of inspections.


cafeRacr t1_j2x00hk wrote

I switched from TD Bank to Northeast a while ago. My identity was stolen and someone tried to withdraw a significant amount of cash from my account in another state. While they phished the account number out of the bank using a fake ID, the bank manager was smart enough to check the signature as well, and called immediately to warn me what had happened. I'll never work with a national bank again, as they won't do any kind of investigation because it's just "too much" work for nothing. Locally, they'll likely take a look into it. It's a total pain in the ass to clean up and lock down.


cafeRacr t1_izcl30y wrote

I'm no lawyer, but it would probably be worth suing the parents. While you probably won't get the money if you win, it will completely screw their ability to get a loan for a car or house.


cafeRacr t1_ivx3igf wrote

>Also no one gives a fuck that you don’t care dipshit. Stfu and keep scrolling if you really don’t care.

You had me until this. This is what's wrong with the way people communicate these days. Why ruin everything thing that you said, that had value, with that? When you're trying to change the way someone thinks, or make them say to themselves "I've never thought of it that way before", you're not going to do it by finishing with an insult.