
cabhsshsbshs t1_itxv2eo wrote

Online sure. My uncle lived there, voted for him, but fetterman ended up doing nothing to help the issues he ran on fixing. All he did was drive people out of the city by the hundreds, ruin the economy, and cause crime to increase by around 50? percent. And imagine telling someone they’re shitty for not wanting someone who’s literally mentally disabled to represent millions of people. Hilarious.


cabhsshsbshs t1_itvx3iy wrote

You think me suggesting a man who can’t speak, or listen shouldn’t be in office is shitty?

And I wouldn’t say I’m underestimating him, he’s just not prepared for office at this moment in time. And given his failure stint as mayor of Braddock, I’d say I’m justified in suggesting he never was.
