
butterfingernails t1_j64dlym wrote

No, I mean like all the greatest works of construction in Egypt, were there before the people we consider to be the builders moved in. The pyramids are way older than egyptologists claim, but because they don't want to admit they moved into the area instead of building them. They can't explain how they built them, but they know they did it some how.


butterfingernails t1_j64d0d9 wrote

Tons of podcasts and stuff from alternative history guys like Graham Hancock or Ben Van Kerkwyk. Of course nothing they've put out has been accepted as fact, it makes more sense that the Egyptians moved into a previous civilisations society, because the oldest pyramids in Egypt are the best built, and as they get younger, the quality and craftsmanship disappears. The last pyramids built in Egypt are sloppy mud bricks, while the oldest have precision cut blocks of quartz.
