
brizzodaizzo t1_j26y8ie wrote

UPS has been an absolute travesty lately. I had a physical Apple Credit card replacement delivered By UPS.

The card was improperly delivered to a business in the wrong address in an adjacent city to mine. Even noted on the tracking info (that’s how I found out).

I immediately filled out an undelivered package claim to UPS. Within 3 minutes, I get a “package lost” report back from UPS. UPS completed their investigation in 3 MINUTES!!

Well, I decided to drive to the business address listed on the tracking info. A label sticker from my small envelope had stuck to one of the other large packages that had been delivered to this business. The business gave me my package after I showed them my drivers license. All was well.

But the fact that the UPS driver could actually scan the item (and they did, since this address was noted on tracking), and not receive some type of alarm, is astonishing.

UPS is absolute garbage in my opinion


brizzodaizzo t1_j25tqlc wrote

But we’re not talking about handing over user iCloud data here. We’re talking about brute forcing open a iPhone passcode (user encryption key) by Apple officials. Or worse, yet, a master encryption key held only by Apple. The article states, “Apple officials unlock iPhone”.

Even US federal official several years ago, could not brute force an iPhone, and infamously asked Apple for help. Apple refused.


brizzodaizzo t1_j25tavx wrote

Reply to comment by Crack_uv_N0on in Does apple do that ? by isahilkumar

However, we aren’t talking about handing over iCloud data here. The article specifically stated that “Apple officials unlocked her iPhone device“.

The iPhone pass code is the encryption key to the entire device. Only the end-user is supposed to be able to input and know it. iPhones are notoriously hard to brute force with pass code guessers. Almost damn near impossible. Even US federal officials asked Apple for help several years ago, and Apple infamously refused.

However, if this article is true, it implies that there is a back door to iOS devices. Hackers will be all over this shit, if true.


brizzodaizzo t1_j25sqx5 wrote

Reply to comment by blkrfl556 in Does apple do that ? by isahilkumar

I appreciate your comment. But I’d like to clarify that this article stated that Apple officials “unlocked her phone“. It stated nothing about handing over iCloud data. Huge difference.

I think this raises the question amongst many security analysts, “how“ is Apple brute forcing an iPhone pass code? This is supposed to be the encryption key to the entire device. Without it, everything behind the encryption is just gibberish. Does Apple have a master encryption key? Can the phone actually be brute forced.

Several years ago we were led to believe that federal officials could not even brute force iPhones, and even asked Apple for help, when Apple infamously refused.

I think the big question here is, what’s really going on?


brizzodaizzo t1_j25rnr8 wrote

Reply to comment by tubezninja in Does apple do that ? by isahilkumar

All good replies here👍🏻. But the article did technically state that Apple officials “unlocked her phone”. Mentioned nothing about handing over iCloud data. These are two different things in their entirety.

You raise some valid points. But in either case, doesn’t this put Apple Inc. in a predicament that somebody from Apple corporate would need to come out and clarify some things?

This probably has a lot of security analysts around the world, saying, “wait, hold on a minute.!”


brizzodaizzo t1_j25naal wrote

Reply to comment by coopy1000 in Does apple do that ? by isahilkumar

But… Apple states

As a result of these stronger protections that require data encryption, we are no longer able to use the data extraction process on an iPhone running iOS 8 or later.

If that’s true, then that would mean that India gets a “different” iOS 16 then other countries. Pretty big deal. Huge, even.

Or worse, Apple can back-door all devices, everywhere.

Apple has stated over and over that the encryption key to the device is the passcode alone.

If there is a “back door”. Is there an Apple universal master encryption key? Is this through brute force?



brizzodaizzo t1_j1zet64 wrote

Reply to comment by ennedee in How do I fix this? by ennedee

Open the FaceTime app. Under your recent callers list, you will see an “i” next to you the individuals name. example

Press that “i” and then on the next screen, scroll all the way to the bottom. The block button is the very last item listed. example