
brett1081 t1_j7s6b07 wrote

Based on the current data it seems like every player is leaving the game with some form of CTE. It’s to the point that I have become a fan of the real football(played with feet) and really disconnected from the NFL. The commercials dragging the games out for 4 hours made it easier as well. Watching a EPL match where they play through the whole half and breaks only happen when they leave the field makes for a great viewing experience.


brett1081 t1_j7pqkzd wrote

I love these pictures. But keep in mind if you visit I was in the Cascades for 5 days and my mornings were met with lots of fog, no apparent sunrise, and clouds that cut off the top half of every mountain in the range. And that was everyday. I got one good clear afternoon my first day. Dreary haze the rest.


brett1081 t1_j6sowsf wrote

They have the money. I think it is the most successful league in the world. Considering it’s Englands game this isn’t a huge surprise: I will say my experience in Kingpower stadium with the LCFC foxes was crazy. It was unlike any other event I’ve been too. Those fans live and breathe the sport.