
brazosandbosque t1_j9erxju wrote

Just getting burned because of this. This person was nice to me and I opened up a little to them. Well, I went to vague book to vague and even though I thought I could trust this person they still tried to take it to management. I didn’t peg that coworker to be a snitch like that, but that’s what I get for thinking it was safe to vent about a coworker we BOTH are tried of babysitting. I didn’t call anyone any rude names just talked about me feelings of frustration. My work is pretty messy so when coworker one was snitching on me, coworker 2 came running to me snitching on coworker one…

Edit: I just wanna also say I didn’t dox any of my coworker’s info or say where I worked in the post.