
bpcloe t1_irs1z91 wrote

People are downvoting you because not only is it a fairly well known treatment to the public at this point, but Michael J. Fox has probably heard this unsolicited advice from random strangers every fucking time he goes outside. It's annoying and unhelpful and only serves to make YOU feel like you're somehow doing good.

I get it, truly. Marijuana has a lot of medical applications that we haven't even begun to tap into yet. It helps so many people every day and could've helped many more people in the past if it weren't for prejudice. But don't you think that someone with his money and influence and connections would've tried that by now? The guy literally has an entire medical foundation for Parkinson's research. It's poor taste to tell someone how to manage their own shit when they clearly have as good of a handle on it as they can and aren't asking for advice.