
boundegar t1_je9f4pl wrote

Anything that's rotating has an axis, that just means the center of rotation. Most of the planets have axes that more or less line up with the Sun - they were born that way. The exception is Uranus, which is tipped over on its side. Nobody knows why, but probably something really big crashed into it, long ago.


boundegar t1_jczm61f wrote

However, the red shift would be extremely small. Any realistic velocity would be a tiny fraction of the speed of light.

Also, light and radio are the same stuff - just a different frequency


boundegar t1_jbwn4os wrote

Sure it can, that's not even fringe science - it's well-established. Don't discount the effect of gravity; it may be weak, but it's strong enough to pull the ocean all out of shape.

Also, the moon is a great big light in the sky. Light affects behavior and sleep - but not through your ears..


boundegar t1_j59n2ra wrote

Question doesn't really make sense. Verb has no subject. Who or what is "going to the very limit?"

What you might be asking is if a neutron star gradually accretes mass, will it reach a threshold and collapse into a singularity, and the answer is yes, in theory. A bunch of gravitational waves would result, and I think scientists have detected waves with the right pattern - but there's no way to directly observe this.


boundegar t1_j110tid wrote

Well that's the way it is in Traveller - but that's TTRPG, not reality. All of the "Major Races" started colonizing the stars in about the same century, so that when they find each other, both sides are strong. That makes for a better game, but there's no reason it's likely to happen.