
bilyl t1_ixxoyi6 wrote

I didn’t specify anything about whether newer drugs fall into this category, but it was very routine that older targeted inhibitors (especially kinase inhibitors like you said) were approved in the past 15 years (not that long ago!! I was in graduate school at that time) for very marginal benefits. So yeah, there are way better drugs now but drugs with marginal benefit were being approved “back then” because there was nothing better and because survival was really dismal.


bilyl t1_ixwgjia wrote

I’ll have to do a bit of research, but off the top of my head there are a couple of drugs that are in that range: Vemurafenib (metastatic lung cancer, ~3-4 months OS improvement), Crizotinib (~4 months), trodelvy (3.2 months for metastatic triple negative BC), trastuzumab (gastric cancer, <3 months), cetixumab (CRC, 1.5 months).


bilyl t1_ixt3cyp wrote

I think this is at the heart of the issue. The Chinese government knows that the health care system cannot handle COVID surges. Even with the camps and ancillary facilities, it wouldn’t be able to handle a “back to normal” approach.

China has billions of citizens in cities way more dense than the USA. Imagine what would happen if ICUs started to fill up…