
bayesian13 t1_j626nls wrote

location is probably the reason we are here. rare earth hypothesis anyone?  

"The right location in the right kind of galaxy Rare Earth suggests that much of the known universe, including large parts of our galaxy, are "dead zones" unable to support complex life. Those parts of a galaxy where complex life is possible make up the galactic habitable zone, which is primarily characterized by distance from the Galactic Center."


bayesian13 t1_j4heite wrote

supposedly many people have the MTHFR which leads to anemia if you don't eat enough green leafy vegetables. Popeye may have been on to something with the spinach. "Symptoms of an MTHFR gene mutation

MTHFR mutations affect everyone differently, and symptoms can vary from long-term health issues to hardly noticeable changes in overall health. Research has shown an association between MTHFR mutations and several health problems including:

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
Autoimmune disease and thyroid issues
Cardiovascular disease
Chronic fatigue

bayesian13 t1_j2mf8v2 wrote

to me its a good thing to see this sort of thing coming back.  

i think people are hungry for real authentic experiences. live performance. i recently saw the radio city music hall christmas spectactular and hated it. it was basically canned music with a bunch of people lip syncing. i don't like the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade for the same reason.


bayesian13 t1_j2me6kv wrote

thank you. I had wondered about that... how many different movies have you done? are they all as challenging as star wars or are some of them easier? i attended one which was the Princess Bride. That was really fun.


bayesian13 t1_j2m7u76 wrote

so this is a thing now!

lots of orchestras are doing movie events. the audience watches the movie but instead of the regular movie soundtrack, the orchestra plays the soundtrack live! it's pretty neat.


bayesian13 t1_iybkp0v wrote

Dorothy and the Scarecrow were to fall in love.

A concluding scene back in Kansas after Dorothy's return was removed before final script approval and never filmed. If it had, we would look at Dorothy's relationship with the bumbling Scarecrow quite differently. In the end scene, Hunk (the Kansan version of the Scarecrow) is about to leave for agricultural college and asks Dorothy to write to him. This scene apperently was meant to imply that a romance would develop between the two. This is said to explain Dorothy's preference for the Scarecrow over her other two companions in Oz. Traces of this plot idea can still be noticed throughout the film however, particularly when Dorothy is about to leave Oz and tells the Scarecrow, "I think I'll miss you most of all."


bayesian13 t1_ixmaohf wrote

from the conclusions" "The data given in this review highlight the beneficial antioxidant and neuroprotective anti-inflammatory properties of allicin and AGE contained in garlic extracts. However, these studies are derived from cellular or mouse models, while clinical trials concerning these compounds and AD are not present, suggesting that this evidence should be confirmed in human studies before the beneficial effects of compounds contained in garlic might be translated into therapy. Finally, the importance of the NLRP3 inflammasome pathway in neuroinflammation and neurodegenerative diseases, such as AD, has been established [125], and very recent data on its modulation via allicin have been reported, whereas no evidence has been shown for AGE, implying the need for further characterization."

  1. mouse trials only, need human trials  

  2. Aged Garlic Extract may be less effective. stick to the fresh stuff


bayesian13 t1_iw4wzzi wrote

wouldn't it be better to say, why is the relative strengths of the electromagnetic force and the gravitational force what it is? this article claims that what the fine structure constant is


bayesian13 t1_ivm1ju0 wrote

agree. also this  

"While present-day philologists and classicists agree on the story's fictional character,[9][10] there is still debate on what served as its inspiration. Plato is known to have freely borrowed some of his allegories and metaphors from older traditions, as he did, for instance, with the story of Gyges.[11] This led a number of scholars to investigate possible inspiration of Atlantis from Egyptian records of the Thera eruption,[12][13] the Sea Peoples invasion,[14] or the Trojan War.[15]"  

Thera eruption = Santorini.


bayesian13 t1_itjg3b9 wrote

"The Schön affair has besmirched the peer review process in physics as never before. Why didn't the peer review system catch the discrepancies in his work? A referee in a new field doesn't want to "be the bad guy on the block," says Dutch physicist Teun Klapwijk, so he generally gives the author the benefit of the doubt. But physicists did become irritated after a while, says Klapwijk, "that Schön's flurry of papers continued without increased detail, and with the same sloppiness and inconsistencies."

Some critics hold the journals responsible. The editors of Science and Nature have stoutly defended their review process in interviews with the London Times Higher Education Supplement. Karl Ziemelis, one of Nature's physical science editors, complained of scapegoating, while Donald Kennedy, who edits Science, asserted that "There is little journals can do about detecting scientific misconduct."


looks like peer review for experimental physics is a joke


bayesian13 t1_is03qef wrote

so in the extract i posted, diet soda would fall under ASB (Artificially Sweetened Beverages). That had a weaker but still significant link with Heart problems: Hazard ratio of 1.14 for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and 1.24 for stroke.


one possible reason why ASB might be associated with CVD is weight gain. while it might seem illogical for ASB consumption to lead to weight gain (no calories right?) scientists think the chemicals in ASB can have effects on our metabolism (lowering it?) which can lead to weight gain. weight gain IS associated with CVD risk.


here is one such study "Consuming >21 ASBs/week (vs. none) was associated with almost-doubled risk of OW/OB (odds ratio (OR) = 1.93, P = 0.007) among 1,250 baseline normal-weight (NW) individuals, and doubled risk of obesity (OR = 2.03, P = 0.0005) among 2,571 individuals with baseline BMIs <30 kg/m(2)."


bayesian13 t1_iryrd27 wrote

"From the Abstract Duringan average of 17.4 years of follow-up, 11,597 cases of total CVD (nonfatal myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease (CHD) death, stroke, coronary revascularization, and/or incident heart failure) were confirmed. Added sugar as % energy intake daily (%EAS) at ≥15.0% was positively associated with total CVD (HR = 1.08 [1.01, 1.15]) and CHD (HR = 1.20 [1.09, 1.32]). There was also a higher risk of total CVD associated with ≥1 serving of SSB intake per day (HR = 1.29 [1.17, 1.42]), CHD (1.35 [1.16, 1.57]), and total stroke (1.30 [1.10, 1.53]). Similarly, ASB intake was associated with an increased risk of CVD (1.14 [1.03, 1.26]) and stroke (1.24 [1.04, 1.48])"

So the highest finding was an association between sugar sweetened beverages (SSB) [1 or more servings per day] and Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) with a Hazard ratio of 1.35.

Seems about right. Don't drink soda kids.