
batatatchugen t1_jd2nxhs wrote

If only those panels could be placed in a more suitable location, where they are not only safe from debris falling and cracking them, but also grin all the vibration of the tracks that would cause micro cracks on them, or all the dust and dirt that would inevitably accumulate over them, or if only they could be placed on a better suited angle.

It's not like this system isn't orders of magnitude more complex, for no good reason, than simply putting the panels overhead, or besides the tracks where there's available space, or in many many other better suited places...

First we had solar roadways, and now it's solar railways, and it's not any less dumb.


batatatchugen t1_jccix3s wrote

You are the sense one here.

First, your failed to see that it was clearly a joke, for fucks sake, I'm taking about kosher salt in that first reply to the post, but that doesn't change the fact that salt, regular salt that everyone has access to, comes in very different "sizes", and when taking about electronics miniaturization, one order of magnitude of a difference in size is a veeery significant difference, and when comparing a grain of table salt and a large grain of rock salt, we're taking about more than just one order of magnitude.


batatatchugen t1_ivldfxo wrote


batatatchugen t1_iueesed wrote

I can see the thought process of this genius.

He built a mold, with the steps neatly laid out, looked at it and thought "this looks nice", then proceeded to pour concrete on it, never realizing the features would end up at the bottom.


batatatchugen t1_iueda1i wrote

Your liver is also an organ.

After reading the headline, the first thing I thought was that some pastor claimed Jesus cured sime sort of illness that was affecting one of his organs; organ=dick only came to mind muuuuuuuch later, and only after reading the first few words of the article and realizing they were taking about a musical instrument.