
backwardog t1_j9niiit wrote

Side question: what would communication or observation look like?

I mean, between two planets experiencing a big difference in relativistic effects like this. If you were to try to observe, or communicate with, a planet where time is moving much faster using EM waves how would this play out exactly?


backwardog t1_it8ppx6 wrote

You don’t think oil genuinely improves society? It has, and does.

Society would basically collapse if we suddenly ran out of oil. The absolute worst part of using oil is our dependency on it for such a great number of industries. It’s not renewable, things will get worse when it runs out. It’s a perfect example of activity that benefits society now but makes it potentially worse in the future.


backwardog t1_it8p3am wrote

Things can definitely slowly get worse.

Look at what happened/is happening with industrialization and climate change. Not all effects are immediately apparent from every cause.

And notice I said “set down a path.” I don’t mean wipe out all resources in an instant. We are set down a path to harvest all the oil, this won’t happen over night, but once that supply dwindles there will be significant negative outcomes.