
b4ngl4d3sh t1_ithg7ua wrote

Agree to disagree, there are studies out there. I'm too reddit illiterate to link them. But the info is out there. Negligible, Americans far and large vote via party lines, and according to Yale, will regularly vote against democratic processes for their own party, and that's both sides.


b4ngl4d3sh t1_ith3sdx wrote

I feel the same, it's the duality of man. The whole god and the devil dynamic. We can be the most kind, yet most cruel species on this rock. Most of us are concerned with surviving the money crunch, it's out of our hands to fix everything.

I'm already sold on the idea that it's gonna get a lot worse before it gets better, within my lifetime, at least (38yo). The hope is i live to see things start swinging in a positive direction before i shuffle off.


b4ngl4d3sh t1_ith33d8 wrote

Eh, fair enough, agree to disagree. I don't put garbage on my lawn, that gets disposed of depending on it's ability to be recycled. Regardless, I'm part of the working class, i don't really have much of a lawn, and if you had to sort Amazon parcels for a living, you'd be concerned about plastic waste as well.


b4ngl4d3sh t1_ith1yei wrote

It's the human condition man, we are an inherently selfish species, i can't hold that against you.

It just irks me because environmentalism goes hand in hand with almost all of my hobbies(bird watching, wildlife photography, hiking, etc). It's a passion of mine and what I've seen over the past 10 years or so is enough to make me weep.


b4ngl4d3sh t1_ith1gn9 wrote

Some, maybe? Lol. They're definitely majority plastic trash. That can't be argued. Them signs have to go.

There are studies out there confirming most voters vote along party lines and that the effectiveness of roadside signs are dubious at best. I'll save my deep concern for gerrymandering and the like. This, as i said, is bad optics, vaguely concerning and probably something that, in a just society, would be handled internally as a chewing out.


b4ngl4d3sh t1_itgyxup wrote

I disagree. It's the 21st century. Pay for YouTube ads, go old-school and run radio/tv ads. Anything but creating a one time use item that will end up as forever trash somewhere in an ocean or landfill. We can't really afford to be this nonchalant about useless plastic anymore. They're finding nano plastics in newborn placentas and the baby's themselves.


b4ngl4d3sh t1_itgxyox wrote

I was being flippant because this is such a non issue, it's braindead, it's obnoxious and maybe a minor misdemeanor, but it is nowhere near approaching deeply concerning. I guess i was caught up on the language of the title. I apologize if it was perceived as gas lighting. My intention was to take a lighthearted jab at the obvious dramatized language.


b4ngl4d3sh t1_itgwqk3 wrote

Y'all? I'm politically apathetic, unfortunately. I'm disappointed in all of our elected officials. I would treat Murphy the same. As in, I'd think it was a braindead, waste of time considering the American populations voting habits. Dems generally vote blue and repubs red. Roadside litter isn't swaying many people. if it was reported that he was taking them down and disposing of them properly, i may give him kudos, lol. We got a crisis on our hands in NJ and the world, our politicians told us we couldn't have plastic bags and straws, but they can still put an obscene amount of plastic garbage on the roadsides? It's gross and an issue that's near to my heart.


b4ngl4d3sh t1_itguoh7 wrote

Because he thinks it'll effect the numbers?? Most people just vote along party lines anyway. These signs are just overkill and flat out litter. It's disgusting, as if there's not already a deeply concerning amount of plastic in our landfills and oceans. Find a better way, team red and team blue.
