
b4ngl4d3sh t1_ixjuc54 wrote

It's right there in the message, "attention grabbing". You should be able to process the info and move on without it being too much of a distraction.

Roadside signage shouldn't be entertainment. It should be utilitarian. I'm sure the DOT uses the same safe driving curriculum as UPS, and we're taught to "scan, not stare."


b4ngl4d3sh t1_iu0en79 wrote

I guess you could point towards the poor quality candidates they keep trying to throw at us. Not to sound like le enlightened centrist, but, it's really slim pickings and people on the right, and the left to an extent, seem to be voting for egos as opposed to policy.

It's kind of sad, but i think we all, red and blue, want substantial and meaningful change in the way the system is run.


b4ngl4d3sh t1_itwnzn8 wrote

Well, that's on tobacco companies to actually change the formula, so to speak. No reason a cig butt shouldn't be biodegradable. That goes for ALL single use plastic items. This tragedy of the commons is a grift to put all environmental concerns on the citizen, and not the multi billionaires that could actually do something meaningful.


b4ngl4d3sh t1_itwni62 wrote