
asunflwr t1_j1tn6o5 wrote

My main issue with booktok/booktube is those people who act better than allll the other readers because they only read classics. I even saw a video of a girl calling people who don't read them stupid, which honestly made me want to delete tiktok. First, reading isn't a competition, let people enjoy things!! Second reason it irks me is that English isn't the first language of many readers, me included. I prefer to read in English because 99% of the translations are just horrible and the books I like to read rarely get translated anyways. While I can comprehend more modern books with no issues, I find myself struggling to get through majority of the classics because the English being used in them is so much different. I honestly admire all the non-native speakers who don't struggle with it, yall rock. But, naturally, most non-native speakers will struggle with the English being used, and that doesn't mean they're stupid or less than anyone else. The elitism in the reading community is just not it.