
assaulty t1_iy1wdj2 wrote

Many years ago, I was in my late twenties, and finally got a job after 18 months of unemployment and in recovery from addiction.

The job was in a fancy building and required business casual clothing. It took me awhile to get on my feet, I was always short in money.

Anyway, this was in the early 2000's so email was still big mode of personal communication, and I decided to send a quick email to my dad to ask for some money to buy pants. I did this from my work email, which I have done many times before.

My dad and my boss have verrrry similar names.

So, I get a response back from my boss that just says "what"

I do not embarass easily, but my heart and my stomach switched places. It was mortifying. Even my co worker who didnt have a big sense of humor was crying laughing at me.

I hope this made you feel a little better! Im so sorry you were laid off and I hope you find something awesome right away.