
asphyxiationbysushi t1_iszg1nf wrote

The land is fucked up and the amount of health problems isn't just cancer. I'm only in my 40's and so many other women I know have major infertility problems/ PCOS and/or female cancers starting in their teens and twenties. Even my mother had late stage uterine cancer at age 23. Starting menstruation at age 8-9 was not uncommon, I did and so did the other girls. It's tragic.


asphyxiationbysushi t1_iszdxqk wrote

Meteorologically, St. Louis has similar wind patterns as cities in Russia and Korea. We also have a lot of dense housing projects, similar to Russia. They were testing a Cold War weapon they were developing that caused health ailments for people while not destroying infrastructure.

Every year at school, several kids would die of leukaemia and sometimes cancers rarely seen in young people. I actually thought numerous deaths a year was normal.

This article is long but very good at explaining what was happening:


asphyxiationbysushi t1_isyu7at wrote

I grew up pretty much next door to this school, as did my mother, my family had the same home since the 1950's. Just recently in the last decade, the army admitted to testing radiological chemical weapons (for Cold War use) over St. Louis. They were dumping them over less affluent parts of the city, including this neighborhood. My mother told me a story once about how, as a kid, she saw a plane fly overhead and found herself covered in a white powder. I myself remember seeing loads of unusual things.

The cancer rate in this area is also extremely high. I don't know if there are any studies, but the neighbourhood had an unusual amount of twins as well, self included.