
anthropophagoose t1_j5ykl9b wrote

This is the issue- this isn’t sides on an ideological discussion (no matter how bad folks on the right want to present it as such), the symbol is about recognizing people’s right to be treated as people, plain and simple.

Treating a rainbow flag like it’s representing some kind of special interest group, or even a symbols of “wokeness” is a discursive tactic that makes it seem like a political discussion but it’s really not- its very simply a message that a large spectrum (hence the rainbow) of sexual and gender identities that have a history of discrimination against them are accepted unilaterally and equally as human beings. This shouldn’t even be politicized at this point, let alone seen as a “battle” statement.


anthropophagoose OP t1_ivftic8 wrote

I get this, but I think that's why places like Alamo have done so well at creating a space that doesn't allow talking and stuff. I love watching at home, but no matter how good the setup, it'll never replace the communal experience for me- especially for stuff like horror or comedy that has a certain degree of response built into the experience.

Plus it's ideal for people not to have to invest in a theater setup just to enjoy a movie on film!