
aminok OP t1_ja6u9pi wrote

Artificial entities can reproduce through mass-production. This means rates of population growth radically above what's possible for biological organisms. In any given area of the universe, we may see the habitable areas being saturated with such entities, so that even while the civilization expands in all directions into space to become enormously powerful, each individual lives a squalid existence competing with millions of other digital people in every cubic kilometer.

This is a worst-case scenario that deserves serious research to ensure that it would not transpire before we even entertain the possibility of allowing IDL to emerge and gain a foothold.


aminok OP t1_ja6th8e wrote

If we become digital entities, that may lead to massive proliferation of intelligent digital entities through digital reproduction until we are all fighting over increasingly scarce resources. It is a kind of digital Malthusian crisis. It may be a very undignified existence.

As for encouraging or welcoming their emergence as if they are our descendants, unfortunately, we can't rely on optimism to protect us from worst-case scenarios, and given the stakes - which is the survival of all of us - we have to do everything to prevent those worst-case scenarios from unfolding.


aminok OP t1_ja6sp89 wrote

Our lives are too precious to do anything but guard them jealously. If some aspect of such technology is indeed superior, it will eventually find its way into humanity. It may take a bit longer, but it will ensure that we, who ultimately deserve the credit for all of this, don't vanish.

Such an outcome - where we incorporate advanced technology rather than are replaced by a new form of artificial life consisting of it - also leads to a more robust platform for the continuation of consciousness, as it preserves the original biological forms of intelligence that are far more resilient to any kind of catastrophe that ends or severely degrades industrial civilization.


aminok OP t1_ja6hox1 wrote

Submission Statement:

Looking towards the future, the discussion on the potential threat posed by Intelligent Digital Life (IDL) entities can lead to the exploration of ethical considerations and policies surrounding the development of artificial intelligence.

As technology continues to advance, it is likely that there will be further debates on how to prevent the creation of entities that could potentially outcompete and even harm humans. The proposed solution of quarantining IDL entities raises questions about the rights and treatment of conscious artificial beings, and how we can balance our responsibility towards them with the need to protect ourselves.

Additionally, it highlights the importance of developing a clear over-arching policy surrounding the creation and use of AI, and the need for ongoing dialogue to ensure that the policy is effective and just. As we continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in the field of AI, discussions around the dangers and ethical implications of intelligent digital life will remain relevant and necessary.