
aledba t1_jcowyr0 wrote

Oooof my husband and I for sure had something on May long weekend last year. We think our jar of chopped garlic was the culprit. We've never purchased it again. He had made a really nice pasta for dinner and there was a ton of garlic in it. I ended up eating an hour before he did. I was in the washroom, dying from both ends about an hour before he came into the washroom to also die. Put us off pasta for a long time too. Oh and yeah simultaneously shitting and barfing takes a lot out of you, but it's being done all that and ending up dehydrated that really hurts


aledba t1_j9ha75p wrote

Our (human) eggs age and die out. Naked Mole Rat eggs do not. The aging is what causes the high risk of problems. I don't know how someone could alter a female sex fetus's DNA to stop her being born with all of her eggs.


aledba t1_j2ddxdc wrote

Nobody is disputing that and I understand your perspective. This reminds me of when I went to the UK and my cousins told me that Americans who visited often thought that everything in America was the namesake of the UK versions which existed centuries prior. You can argue about semantics, but your time machine is still broken.


aledba t1_j1v5ky0 wrote

I only turn on the air when it gets above 30 with the humidity. Humidity is not causing a problem then it is OK. If it wasn't for our cat we probably wouldn't put it on. He gets way too hot. Our back patio stays open at night in the summer and we turn the ceiling fan off in that area so the cool air can sink in. Then in the morning, I try to trap the cool air in the house. We have really great blinds to block out the Sun during the hottest parts of the day.