
akanefive t1_iur8185 wrote

So this continues to follow the classic playbook:

  1. Create an overreaching policy based on a personal experience (i.e. assuming that your experience is universal)
  2. Stifle any dissenting opinion in the name of decorum
  3. Offer to listen to feedback while denying wrongdoing
  4. Ask for additional leadership while being the sole arbiter of who gets selected, while refusing to relinquish any control

Since I will almost certainly get banned, here's a form where you can report moderator abuse to reddit admins. I have no idea if it does anything, but it might be useful to some of you: https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=179106


akanefive t1_iuow24m wrote

I’m happy to summarize: this sub, which has 17,000 members, only has one moderator. That moderator made a new rule based on an interaction he had outside of the sub (according to his own explanation), and has removed posts and outright banned people based on that rule. People are upset about it.


akanefive t1_iuneqjr wrote

Also, this exact scenario has played out in discussion forums since the beginning of the internet. Mod institute rule changes based on his or her own personal preferences, gets negative feedback, then offers to listen to the community to make things better without actually changing the rule or apologizing.


akanefive t1_iumh2dc wrote

The new protected bike lanes on Mass Ave in North Cambridge are really great progress, and I'm looking forward to the city extending them all the way into Harvard Square. It'll make getting around a lot safer and prevent accidents.

I'm also hoping that Memorial Drive continues to be bike and pedestrian only on Saturdays and Sundays in the warmer months--and would love to see that extended all the way down to MIT. It's great for bikers and pedestrians.


akanefive t1_iumemwi wrote

>I thought Cambridge was progressive city.

Doesn't mean there aren't plenty of assholes in the city. (And who knows if the moderator still lives here anyway.) The single rule maker in a community is stifling debate because he's got an unpopular and incorrect opinion.