
aithendodge t1_jebdc40 wrote

And “The Long Dark” doesn’t really hit people until they experience it. Folks think, “Oh, it gets dark at 5 in December/January? No big deal, it’s the same in other places.” But it’s not. 5 o clock winter sunsets here do not generally bring a serene twilight followed by a sky filled with stars - the perpetual cloud cover means it’s pitch-black at 5pm. I go to work and it’s pitch black. I come home and it’s pitch black. It gets to be a drag, and by the time Spring hits we’re all crawling out of our skin to get some of that gorram sunshine!!!


aithendodge t1_j29nbrm wrote

Ever been through the Hoh’s Hall of Mosses? Ever been through the Hoh’s Hall of Mosses on shrooms? (I have, it was a transformative life experience that I will never forget)