
aishtr1295 t1_j5lz9xs wrote

Tavern on State is a great choice. I also loved Hachi Roku for Japanese (you can get some of their sushi but it’s more like cooked Japanese tapas) if you want something outside the norm. Sherakaan is great too.


aishtr1295 OP t1_itr2nx3 wrote

Reply to comment by Athrynne in Gas attendants by aishtr1295

You may be right and I’ve just been hitting the same handful. I guess in the last 4+ years I’ve been in CT, I just haven’t been to a station with an attendant outside of Stamford and in Stamford, there’s like 3-4 that I’ve seen. Just wondering if there’s a reason Stamford tends to have higher than average number of attendants compared to rest of CT.


aishtr1295 OP t1_itr291r wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Gas attendants by aishtr1295

In addition to those: Sunoco in Shippan on Myrtle, Gulf on West, and I think Exxon on Main.

I agree! I’ve gotten out to pump myself without realizing there was an attendant but I feel super weird!!