
adrian678 t1_j10b561 wrote

When players are so close tied together in achievements you start looking at the other stuff that they bring to the table. Nadal and Federer are a perfect example of professionalism in tennis and life. Djoker outside of the court is dumb asshole with enough popularity and influence to cause much more harm than good.


adrian678 t1_iwc9wxy wrote

That's partially true, it really depends. If customers and governments allow car manufacturers to abuse the market then this will happen. If governments create incentives and a legal ground for manufacturers to behave, it won't happen.

Cars could have much longer lifespans since they don't have too many moving parts and battery is the single most important point of failure that matters long term.


adrian678 t1_iw6bmd3 wrote

Long term reputation, cost, which is taken into account by potential buyers. Sooner than later people will be able to check which battery techs are more reliable than others and choose the car based on that.