
adbedient t1_iujtwqc wrote

Reply to comment by Aerosol668 in Why we don’t see aliens by Ggoods123

Indeed we could be; this is the view commonly taken by most- and is why there is confusion as to WHY haven't we been contacted yet- if there is other life in the universe it would certainly have contacted us, yes?

But what if we are the first "house" in the galactic "neighborhood"- and we just don't have any neighbors yet. It is just as plausible a theory as any other that's been put forth.


adbedient t1_iujlhbz wrote

Interesting theory.

The theory that I'm into lately is the Young Universe theory; the reason that we haven't seen other life out there yet is that we are one of the first to reach this evolutionary stage, so there aren't any others to see yet, as they aren't as advanced as we are.

That makes us the grandfathers of the universe, which is kind of scary.