
aDistractedDisaster t1_ja9pslk wrote

Uhhhh, why is this weird? I thought this was within the norm for the generation that grew up on animated content during our years of neurological, cultural and sexual development. Of course, we'd never fuck an actual bunny but the animators knew what they were doing designing her like that. If you watched Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, there is an actual line about this kind of thing. Absolutely amazing movie too.


aDistractedDisaster t1_j9u0y6y wrote

Did you ever hear about that Harvard experiment where they gave money to random college students?

They told half the people to spend that money on themselves and the other half to spend it on somebody else. Here's a quote from an article talking about the study - “We found that people who spent the money on themselves that day weren’t happier that evening,” said Norton, “but people who spent it on others were. The amount of money, $5 or $20, didn’t matter at all. It was only how people spent it that made them happier.”

Humans are truly social creatures and I'm glad you got to experience the joy that it is to help a member of your community in their time of need. It can be quite fulfilling.