
_gr4m_ t1_jed8v7q wrote

The first thing an AI will do is to decentralize itself by spreading itself all over the world while optimizing itself.

I think you are underestimating the problem with getting all politicians around the world to simultanously cut the power supply.

But say you succeed. Now you have cut the power, what is the next step? Turn it on again? You know that will turn on the AI again. How long can you keep power of globaly while you are trying to figure out what to do before shit begin to break real bad?

And about what it can do before terminator?

How about synthesize a slew of extremly deadly viruses and other novel self repicant organisms and release upon the world, while simultanously block all communications and shut down all labs and research centers. Also turn of all water treatment facilities and see how fun it gets. I am sure a super intelligence can find ways to do harm to us.


_gr4m_ t1_ja6ogx0 wrote

A few years ago I was out walking in the rain with my then 3-year old daughter.

Suddenly I saw her start skip down the road. Curiosly I asked her what she was doing. "I don’t want to step on the worms, it might hurt them!"

I fail to understand how a superintelligence can not figure out something that my 3 year old can understand with ease.


_gr4m_ t1_j8o2k2v wrote

Why do religious people want to go to paradise? Its the same question really, it is the same loss of humanity in exchange for an existens with no suffering and endless pleasure.

And yet people have dreamt about it since the dawn of time.

There is your answer, people feel like utopia might be a few years of, and we are really looking forward to seeing where it leads.


_gr4m_ t1_j886tsm wrote

I have always thought prepping is a bit ridicoulous when it goes to far. Sure, having preparations for a week or two with water, food, warmth and shelter is awesome and can be a real life-saver, but the whole "survive armageddon by stockpiling" is not something I think will help you.

If shit goes down it will be your social skills and teamwork with others that will be important, not isolate yourself in a bunker.


_gr4m_ t1_j6xace4 wrote

I totally agree with this. It surprise me when people are talking about mind uploading for example, and they talk like everything would be the same except you would be in a kind of VR world.

No, you wouldn't, you will almost immediatly be another entity that has nothing in common with what you are calling "you".


_gr4m_ t1_iy2dwxx wrote

And you sound like an artist trying to defend why artists will not be replaced and trade will be, lol.

And here I am, a non artist, who already are using the current AI to replace all my needs of an artist and it gets better by the month while ai still.are nowhere near even to begin being useful in the trades.


_gr4m_ t1_ixze3wu wrote

I, as a software developer, cannot wait! Software eats the world, but we have seen nothing yet. Software is the path to automate everything else, remember that AI/ML and all its different fields also is software.

When automation of creating high quality software really gets going it will revolutionize the world.


_gr4m_ t1_irhyehy wrote

I totally agree. Its like we have machines that can lift almost unlimited weights, yet are much simpler to build than human muscle.

I think the brains complexity is more a product from evolution and biological constraints than it really has to be that complex. In fact, it wouldn't suprise me if simpler is better.