
Yeetus_McSendit t1_j1rjeox wrote

Not always the case. The highway could have a massive pile up and you could be trapped for hours. The backroads tend to be slower but at leastoving and with fewer accidents. If you know how to drive in bad weather (slow down, maintain traction, etc.), The backroads will be safer than the highway full of fools on summer tires going at or over the speed limit in poor conditions...


Yeetus_McSendit t1_iyaettj wrote

Every park in a large urban city is a gaint bathrooms for dogs and hobos. I once tried to sit by a tree in a park and a hobo came over and started pissing on the other side of said tree. It was a big enough tree that he couldn't see me on the other side. I don't sit under park trees or lay on the grass anymore. Tbh I don't live in a big city anymore. This happened in Toronto and then I moved to San Francisco. San Francisco is one giant hobo toilet. I've never seen so much human shit on sidewalks before.


Yeetus_McSendit t1_isbxn2e wrote

I think the corporate world knows this and demands 110% all the time even though they only need like 50% to operate. All the extra effort is just padding their profits.

Source: I used to give 110% now I do the bare minimum, sometimes only working half the day. Still getting paid, raises and bonuses. I wish could only clock in for the time it actually takes me to do my job but I'm hourly.