
Willsgb t1_j23g97f wrote

I'm really sorry to hear that mate. My only suggestion is perhaps this might be everyone adjusting to this new situation. And even if not, things might change in future. But I hope that things and relationships with friends and family improve again for you.


Willsgb t1_j1uzu7i wrote

Yes. She would be this interested in prying the truth from the soul she just took, she would emanate the same sad warmth, and she would also be as matter of fact and unwilling to swallow any bullshit.


Willsgb t1_j1uzce0 wrote

True loneliness. Surrounded by people, a world going on around you, yet the feeling of being profoundly disconnected and other.

This prompt, and that beautifully written chapter, have brought me half to tears. The way death just vanishes as soon as he admits the truth of his hell cut me as well.