
Whydoyouhatefreedom t1_j41y0oj wrote

I went to a vocational school, unfortunately many of these schools become depositories for shitty kids. The Sound School would have been great for me, unfortunately it was full of kids with behavioral issues and were pretty violent. This was in the 2000’s idk if it’s changed though. Look for schools that are normal public schools for the town that integrate vocational studies.


Whydoyouhatefreedom t1_iy8w6xd wrote

The Airline trail is the longest stretch of gravel that I know of in the state. Starts in East Hampton and goes to Mass. there’s also tons of mixed asphalt and gravel north of you in the Kent/Cornwall area along the Houssy


Whydoyouhatefreedom t1_iy0xaal wrote

You do NOT pay for academy tuition, the state does. You have to take and pass the protective services/ state police written exam. Then you have to pass the Physical Fitness test that will include swimming and treading water. Idk if you plan to go to college but somewhere like UConn with Natural resources will help, and so will a Military background. There’s very few openings every few years if at all.


Whydoyouhatefreedom t1_ixjp7so wrote

CALL THE DMV!!! Montessi VW did this to me! They told me I needed a whole new transmission, (5k) when all I really needed was a $150 part. Brought it to another dealer and Mentessi had to pay for the car to be put back together.