
WhiskeyGnomes t1_iya7duk wrote

I mean don't get me wrong Opus is great, but I am not converting my entire collection to Opus. I just don't even fucking care. Who needs that space? Why? Any phone with 128GB of storage and that is literally all I need for work and way more. Hell, I am getting by with 70GB of music in FLAC on my phone. I rarely have too many issues with albums. I could save some space going Opus, but I really just don't care.

The whole debate is pointless right now. I don't even understand the obsession with lossy at this point in time. I guess if you are dirt poor with only 2GB of space on your phone it could help.


WhiskeyGnomes t1_iya62wa wrote

Even on some of the tougher tests, you can still hear differences with 320 vs lossless MP3. Opus at 320 is pretty damn good, but there are tracks where you can still hear something.

Now your typical zoomer isn't going to give a shit. They don't care about anything. But if you don't care about space, then who gives a fuck? I'm not putting my collection on 128 OPUS lmao. A bunch of fools convince themselves that their shitty equipment or some random ass study with random ass people and samples couldn't 100% the differences so fuck it gotta go OPUS for my 1000000000 zoomer rap and fake alt punk singles. Gotta fit them all.

That doesn't say much though. The differences are there, and people with great hearing and a sense of musical knowledge know what to look for. It might not appear on every single track, but it's there, and some people care.

I mean these people can't even type out a coherently written meme. Don't trust these fucks with your audio needs.


WhiskeyGnomes t1_iya54no wrote

You'll get downvoted by angry tweens who only have their entire collection in 128 or some shit. Opus is transparent guys. I've never heard audio except on my airpods and shit, but I read some studies, and they 100% definitive. Your ears can't hear the difference.

LMAO. If you pinpoint a lot of specific tracks and areas in tracks in particular, you can easily hear differences. It's really not that hard. Double Blind studies don't give one enough time with a track. When given the time, you start spotting the differences in back to backs. That alone is enough for me to stick with FLAC. It might not really be huge all the time, but it's a difference.


WhiskeyGnomes t1_iya47py wrote

I mean just saying 90% of tracks, it means nothing. To one's personal ears it means nothing. What you are saying is that YOU and a designated group of people cannot tell the difference. That's all it means. You guys are convincing yourselves that 128 Opus is transparent, when it isn't. You shouldn't use that word. Because it means nothing without the user and gear in question.