
Wastesofa t1_itw9h5l wrote

I think a large issue that is being overshadowed by second hand smoke is the toxicity of cigarette butts. Often people will think "oh its just plant and paper, it'll biodegrade" and will just drop on the ground. Just like it does to your lungs, it leaches toxic chemicals and additives into the environment. A large part of the bands on smoking is for littering and environmental protection, not just smoking around others.

Edit: Perhaps the burden of smoking trash disposal should be the responsibility of the smoker, not the state. I'm sure there's plenty of portable personal ashtrays available on the market these days. Keep it in your ashtray and hold on to it until you do see a trashcan like you would do with EVERY OTHER PIECE OF TRASH YOU WOULD HAVE. I don't eat a candy bar and just throw the trash on the ground if I don't see a trash can. If you chose to smoke you have to take responsibility for your own trash. I don't think that's asking too much.