WarXMT t1_j6ma4rd wrote

You my friend are a moron. Not only did you steal, but you have also exposed company secrets. As a dev, I find it very disturbing that there's this sort of a workaround in the system. Then again, I've seen worse and I've never... I repeat NEVER abused or exposed this kind of information. Even in situations where I knew that no evidence would be left behind, I never pulled this crap. As a fellow redditor told you, I suggest you remove this post before other people figure out who it was.


WarXMT t1_j6cf81d wrote

I'm not sure if you're looking for someone on Reddit to excuse you. Here's my take on it. Even though the husband did all he could(or thought he could) you still wanted more. The kid tires you out because, you know, that's what kids do. This tiredness in turn is making you resent your husband, not because he doesn't or hasn't done enough, but because as a mother you have a different connection with your child. I'm not going to go into the merit of whether you FU or not but you will definitely FU if you don't make this right and talk to your husband. As a husband and father myself, I'd rather people tell me what a shitty husband I am than that I wasn't there for my kids.


WarXMT t1_j5p2u2m wrote

He's a manipulative asshole but I'm not sure this post makes you any better... I mean let's be honest here, he did get an escort on purpose BUT it was an open relationship. It shouldn't have affected you. The fact that you fought over it goes to show that you just wanted it to be one way. So like the rest of the reddit commentors, I suggest for you to grow up and figure it out for the sake of that child. You both chose this. That child didn't.

edit: fixed a grammatical mistake