
WafflePilot1125 t1_jec7tud wrote

Thanks, but fwiw, I don’t see any downvotes in my notifications or here. Although I’m very new to Reddit still so I could be missing something. It is a very lazy google, though. Regardless, this is certainly not the thread to be making those bands more infamous than they already will be. There is a certain…sector of punk that takes this sort of nihilistic shitbag and idolizes the fuck out of them. That’s how we got here in the first place. Through some almost ritualistic idolization of people like GG Allin.


WafflePilot1125 t1_je7ueof wrote

👍🏻 I’m sure we’re at least aware of each other then. Super small world sometimes. Late in high school, and since, my friend groups are of Indiana grads anyway. Most a year younger than us. Thane H., Ken W., Josh S., others in that circle. Another circle of guys a few years younger, from Indiana, as well.

Also, huge congrats on sobriety. Not an easy thing, ever. I celebrated six years this year.


WafflePilot1125 t1_je7svm8 wrote

There IS a lot of good in punk. But no matter how small you break down society, if it can be described as a community, you’re gonna have elements that don’t actually give a damn about…anything but themselves. Or rather their own vision of themselves. It seems that’s just part of humanity, maybe. You will always have infiltrators.


WafflePilot1125 t1_je7si7j wrote

I’m not gonna promote his bands, especially here. However, punk stuff. “Noisecore” or wtfe. I listen to punk, I’ve described myself as a punk. But I couldn’t really listen to the stuff he put out. I was really more into stuff like Ska and Folk punk, anyway. But it really was just…noise. Or maybe I’m just a lot older than my 33 years. 😅


WafflePilot1125 t1_je7o5vk wrote

Are you an HC grad? Luke and I ran around in the same circles through grade school and high school. Attended the same sleepovers…sled riding in his little village. Edgelord…that is such a perfect discriptor for Luke. A try hard Edgelord at that. Burned into my memory is an incident where Luke was basically masturbating under a throw pillow on a La-Z-boy in a room filled with at least a half dozen prepubescent boys. WEIRD. Doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface. I’ve been more or less out of contact with him since HS graduation, but even then I was always in and out of the punk scene in various locales including PGH. Something about him still always made it back to me, we’ve got a lot of mutual acquaintances. Still, I never heard about all of the actual violence and abuse. Dude apparently idolized GG Allin too much. I thought a lot of what I did know and see was stage bullshit.

I don’t think he was so fucked mentally he didn’t realize the consequences of his actions. Unfortunately, I 100% believe this to be some sort of edgelord ploy to achieve infamy. I’m torn about whether or not this comment contributes to it. Either way, I AM curious to find how the gun was acquired. I can’t imagine it was sold to him by a dealer.