WALKAW t1_jdaa873 wrote

They didnt buy their popular franchises and take them away from other platforms which is what MS is doing and the heart if the issue. So no their own "medicine" isnt buying massive multiplatform publishers.

Not sure how that is so difficult to see or are people just playing stupid to defend Microsofts honor.

And MS has always done exclusives since Xbox started. Not sure why people pretend they havent. They also do countless third party deals.


WALKAW t1_jd9uog5 wrote

How many massive multiplatform franchises has Sony bought and taken away from other platforms?

The answer is 0

While MS continue to buy up massive publishers to take massive multiplatform franchises away from Playstation

People should easily be able to see the difference. If not then there is something wrong with you


WALKAW t1_jd9ueyn wrote

You dont see a difference between some exclusivity deals and buying massive multiplatform publishers to make popular multiplatform franchises exclusive forever?

Are you brain dead?

A FF game released on Xbox just a few months ago.

Is Sony buying Sega justified because Xbox has some third party exclusivity deals


WALKAW t1_jd9u25s wrote

Is that what you think is happening? Sony isnt buying massive multiplatform publishers to take massively popular franchises away from other platforms like MS is.

Xbox has always had exclusives, no one "cried" about it. Now they are buying massive franchises because they suck at making their own with their current studios