
VolkspanzerIsME t1_iyexg97 wrote

The Navy also has multi layered defensive postures. There are few in this world dumb enough to go toe to toe with a carrier strike group. Also the US hasn't fought a war with a country that had a respectable navy since Korea(?).

Pretty cool flex on the part of the Constitution tho.


VolkspanzerIsME t1_irth28x wrote

There is also the historic and cultural disdain the Russians have for the Ukrainians. They even have a bigoted term for them. In the average russians mind it is unthinkable to lose to Ukraine. It's an old trick. Dehumanize the enemy and your soldiers are capable of anything.

Even if it was a Ukrainian that did the job I would still expect the nukes to fly.

This would need Russian fingerprints or none at all.


VolkspanzerIsME t1_irtgj73 wrote

I am unfortunately aware of the average Russians opinion on the war. That's what worries me. I fully expect Putin to go "scorched earth" rather than lose face by admitting any level of defeat. I am also aware of the Russians cultural and historic denigration of Ukrainians. Russians losing to Ukrainians is unthinkable for a large percentage of the population.

Putin is "all in" at this point. There is no future in which he capitulates and retains power. So he's going to escalate and escalate until he can't or he's dead.