
Vintage_Dog_Dude t1_j1epx5n wrote

I have run into that problem myself. The only solution I have found is to take breaks from the oil. Then my body's THC tolerance returns to normal. I usually take a 4 day break from it. During that time, I usually feel pretty lousy, no appetite, short-tempered and grumpy.

I would say a prescription approach that might work is to administer cannabis oil for 3 weeks and then do a week of something like trazadone to decrease tolerance and switch back after that week. But I am not a doctor, so who knows.

So I can't say totally that I believe it isn't a little addictive. But I was addicted to cigarettes before and can say it isn't like that, it's more of a mental crutch or outlet that helps me reframe my thoughts and relax.

Although, sometimes I work so much that I just naturally have these t-breaks because I have to work late and go in early again and don't bother with edibles.


Vintage_Dog_Dude t1_j1eo7p9 wrote

In my experience I have a good quality full nights of sleep and wake up feeling refreshed. I tried many different sleep/anxiety meds, but really cannabis oil is the only thing I found that works. And not just for insomnia, but for my depression and anxiety as well.

As far as quality of sleep, I believe it is in the timing. You take edibles with dinner and they begin wearing off when it is time to go to bed. The "wearing off" effect is what makes you sleepy. If you take a huge dose before bed, you will have crazy dreams and wake up stoned at 2 AM. In my anecdotal experience at least.