
Vilnius_Nastavnik t1_j2a5mve wrote

Depending on the ages of the kids it's practically compulsory to add in some sort of visual element to hold their attention. They've got bottomless reserves of stimulating content at their fingertips and many of them have been playing with smartphones and tablets since before they could talk. Child literacy rates are falling and we need to be open to anything that gets them reading.


Vilnius_Nastavnik t1_j29it19 wrote

Which is just bananas as a legal strategy.

"Oh look here's a claim where we definitely fucked up and are definitely going to end up paying. I could settle it right now for $250k or I could pay a legion of attorneys and paralegals several years' salary to be super obnoxious and then either settle it with interest or get taken to the cleaners by a jury. Yeah, let's do that, can't have those money-grubbing people we injure thinking we're soft!"


Vilnius_Nastavnik t1_j1wl2ux wrote

Remember in 2017 when the entire upper management of the NYC Department of Corrections got slapped on the wrist for wild misuse of their city-financed vehicles?

They paid a few fines and got to keep their company cars and personal drivers. In a just world they'd be taking the subway with the rest of us.