
VermontZerg t1_j8dlmmp wrote

Climate change isn't up for debate you brainlet, it's not a theory, its scientific fact at this point.

Why the fuck do you believe this is a political issues? Most of these scientists aren't involved in politics, they are just doing what they love to do, why do you think climate scientists have some of the highest rates of suicide? BECAUSE PEOPLE WONT LISTEN, they don't do it for the money, they don't do it for politics, and absolutely not for peer pressure, the data set is completely available for anyone to look at, and it's not some sort of backdoor slut that is hidden away, all of the actual studies, graphs, information, is free and available for anyone to look at.

Almost all scientists worth their salt, who aren't contrarians, are going to be looking at the facts OBJECTIVLY. It isn't just about warmer or colder weather, that shows you don't understand it at all, we are already in a ton of feedback loops caused by climate change, including all the methane gas that was frozen in the permafrost being released, the mass die offs of species in Alaska and the Siberian wilds, the wildfires that are caused by it being too dry, because the water cycle has been disrupted ((not because of gender reveal parties other than that one time)) The icecaps basically being gone, Mount Washingtons peak reaching a temperature COLDER THAN ANTARTICA, Crab population dropping by 90% because the ocean isn't cold enough for their exoskeleton to harden,

The only people who do it for the politics are places with big money, like exxon which knew for 40 year the climate scientists were right, and PAID MONEY to make climate "Denying" scientists, which is a fact at this point, and they are in court for it.

Acting like their is some kind of worldwide conspiracy to push climate change is very American.

20 Years of CO/2 Increase

Average Air Temp Increases

Ocean Temp Increases

Atmospheric Dioxide Never Went Above this line till 1950 ((accounting for millions of years, for all you people who say we don't have the data, it's one of the things we do in Antarctica is mining ice cores to evaluate the air and other conditions of the planet))

So yeah, here's your data.


VermontZerg t1_j8dheoo wrote

Were you born stupid, or did you have to work at it? Why try and spout bullshit you don't understand?

Thousands of thousands of PhD holding climate scientists and regular scientists world wide are wrong, and you are right. /S

My god why do people who don't understand what they are talking about try and join the conversation to change peoples minds.


VermontZerg t1_j8detxq wrote

Yea no, EV'S from battery to finish line 2400/2800KG of Co2 equivalent where as Gasoline is 12,549KG of Co2 Equivalent, and on top of that, these batteries are recycled.

From Start of Manufacturing, Conventional Cars still produce more emissions

Stop spreading misinformation.

A gas cars lifetime GHG is 350gram/per mile where as in an EV'S entire lifetime its 140/Per Mile, including battery manufacturing.

EPA GHG Emissions for Gas and Electric

Most electronic vehicles run better, and perform better in pretty much every way.

Also, you're not accounting for all of the other stuff required to make a regular combustion engine run, and everything else that is constantly needed to be produced for them, including an insane amount of oil.

The transportation of unrefined oil, to refined oil, to back into a vehicle, to delivery, to the oil in your car, to the gasoline in your car etc.

Facts over feelings.

FACT: Electric vehicles typically have a smaller carbon footprint than gasoline cars, even when accounting for the electricity used for charging.

FACT**: The greenhouse gas emissions associated with an electric vehicle over its lifetime are typically lower than those from an average gasoline-powered vehicle, even when accounting for manufacturing.**

Electric vehicles (EVs) have no tailpipe emissions. Generating the electricity used to charge EVs, however, may create carbon pollution. The amount varies widely based on how local power is generated, e.g., using coal or natural gas, which emit carbon pollution, versus renewable resources like wind or solar, which do not. Even accounting for these electricity emissions, research shows that an EV is typically responsible for lower levels of greenhouse gases (GHGs) than an average new gasoline car.

"Otherwise, shut the fuck up and quit stirring the pot" as you say.

Why spout bullshit you pulled out of your ass?


VermontZerg t1_j0qumkn wrote

Economy will be fine, look how amazing it was during the period of time where more people had more money to spend, and weren't working.

Anyone demonizing AI is probably afraid of change, or has an agenda.

The biggest change from it will be that rich people feel less important because they have less wage slaves, and more people will be able to do exactly what they do for hobbies, because they have time to do it, just with less money.

Look what happened with work from home, middle managers HATE that shit cause they don't have people to micromanage.

The rich will just be irritated like usual cause leisure life wont be a rich only privilege.

People acting like the rich will cull the world because of AI, are absolutely deranged, not all rich people are evil.

Their is massive groups right now campaigning ANTI-AI because it will usher in a new era of equality, but instead they try to spin that its the end of the world, humanity will be culled, only war will happen ETC, just to cause fear.

Just like the huge Anti-UBI narrative that keeps getting spun here, pay attention to what you read, question everything, and don't allow people to spin their ideas in your head because it "sounds scary".


VermontZerg t1_iv1ebwu wrote

Theirs a local mechanic in my area that is a complete degenerate lol, can't go to his shop without him constantly talking about politics and conspiracies.

His storefront has a gigantic trump flag on the building, which has been there for years, and now he added another huge deploy malloy sign flag as well up on his building right next to the trump one, its pretty pathetic.