
VariableVeritas t1_j2d7rny wrote

Technically Shawshank was complete bomb at the box office. Literally my favorite movie of all time but yeah it went under the radar at the time.

The walking dead even turned me off watching it eventually. Man those first four seasons or so though. Great.


VariableVeritas t1_j0n0ipy wrote

This is just not logical. Any future that weee actually aiming for is a future without basic needs. Everyone having a roof over their head, food, and health. Universally these basic needs will be provided to you either de facto or as income in the UBI scenario.

This is a slow moving argument towards inflicting pain and struggle on all human society because you think we’re going to somehow miss the yoke. Or because we’re all so vain and dying for validation that the only reason we have hobbies is because we crave others approval. Or because there are those who are better at our talents then us (always true already) we’ll stop doing them.

I don’t need to work a load of my very short human life away earning currency so I don’t die on the streets.