
VTMike1029 t1_jd4znuq wrote

I'm not sure where the torch carrying business is coming from nor did I deny adults knowing/hosting underage drinking parties. All I want is for everyone to be treated the exact same no matter your social status or what your occupation is. I'm mad that she isn't getting into trouble for hosting an underage drinking party whilst if it had been a regular working person not in state government they would have been arrested on the spot. She should be held accountable like everyone else. Please explain to me how this is a torch weilding mentality.


VTMike1029 t1_jcmwpxd wrote

I'm not surprised by this at all. I have been involved in a court case where cops took $600 cash off a friend of mine then under oath they lied about it. Since that day I have never trusted a cop again. Some of them lie to get what they want ultimately to make themselves out as hero.


VTMike1029 t1_j82ag7j wrote

It isn't only on 89 it is everywhere people are just way more pissed off while driving. I had one younger guy tailgate me all the way off of the Montpelier exit flashing his lights and flipping me off apparently doing the speed limit wasn't fast enough. I don't like confrontation but I was thinking of stopping to say something. My other thought was if I stop I'm probably going to get shot because no one uses their fists to fight anymore they just resort to gun play.


VTMike1029 t1_j2o3j2w wrote

Short drive and don't have to tip at restaurants. WTF? TIPPING IS HOW THEY MAKE MONEY! Yup we're all lazy and entitled because we're sick of getting paid shit wages to keep assholes like you happy. Please never come back you non tipping piece of garbage