VSM1951AG t1_iu7id2q wrote

This is a matter of science, not politics or what’s temporarily popular.

If this guy’s ideas are incorrect—and I don’t know enough about them to weigh in one way or another—then they are incorrect because the data of observation does not support his hypothesis, not because some people or groups find his ideas scandalous or inconvenient.

It’s a very dangerous thing to say that some ideas may never be raised, hypothesized, experimented, researched, talked about or written about. Just like with faith, we should question everything. That which is true will stand the test of close scrutiny. The scientific method is sufficient to handle any ideas that may come its way. Those who would attempt to censor, shout-down, disbar, or terminate people for asking questions and doing science are no friend to science.


VSM1951AG t1_itueaff wrote

Why did you make this about party politics? Did I say anything about party politics? No. I never mentioned either party.

Why would you assume, merely because I criticize a Democratic president and vice president, I’m automatically a Republican? (I’m not.) If I were a Democrat, would I be forbidden somehow from criticizing the current administration? I hope not, as millions of Democrats are as disgusted by our current leadership as I am.

What you’re engaged in is called tribalism. My Team vs. Your Team. “My Team is always awesome, and your team offers nothing of value. “. It’s a two-dimensional worldview, and it’s killing us. We need good ideas and great leaders from wherever we find them.


VSM1951AG t1_itsdkzi wrote

Is ANYONE in positions of power trusted anymore? I can only think of one who, if exiled to a desert island, wouldn’t make the company I work for better.

Stupidity, rank hypocrisy, focusing on woke BS instead of efficiency, productivity, and profitability.

I mean look who’s running the country: a corrupt, senile dude who can’t do anything but read cue cards, and a high school girl who giggles and can’t put a cogent sentence together.
