
UsuallyWrite2 t1_jaewua6 wrote

So…asked and answered. If that’s not a sufficient reason for you then date someone else.

Busy doesn’t mean she can’t do whatever she wants in her free time. Maybe she has a friend in crisis that she’s chatting with. Maybe she just doesn’t have much to say during the day to you.

If you ask to look at her phone though, that’s nuts.


UsuallyWrite2 t1_jaew06w wrote

So your idea after noticing a change of 2 days is to demand to invade her privacy?

Couldn’t you instead just tell her you’ve noticed a different and ask her what’s up?

I think the whole thing is ridiculous and that you’re being weird about it—especially at your age. But you get to feel how you feel.

I would absolutely end things if my partner was expecting me to text all day and in a certain amount of time.


UsuallyWrite2 t1_jaetbrd wrote

If he won’t get help on his own, then I don’t know what to tell you. You can’t make him go. You can only tell him that you need to see improvement else you need to reevaluate the relationship.

You guys could probably benefit from couples counseling too.

I dunno. I don’t understand people who know something is wrong but make no effort to improve things.


UsuallyWrite2 t1_jaerxg3 wrote

PTSD presents in a variety of ways. He needs to see a professional to get evaluated and receive help.

I have CPTSD but through years of therapy, it’s pretty well managed. I certainly pulled back from certain people when I was in the thick of it but mostly I just had to be aware of triggers to minimize my anxiety over some things that are totally “normal” to other people.


UsuallyWrite2 t1_jaenyvb wrote

I would not recommend using rover. Too much liability if it goes south and I’ve seen it go pretty south. If anything, I’d board her at her vet or a proper boarding facility. If she’s a puppy though, she may not be up to date on all of her vaccines in order to board safely.


UsuallyWrite2 t1_jaefalr wrote

I mean….sure you can call your hospitalized friend and tell her that she needs to find someone else to keep the dog. But honestly, if she had someone else, she probably would’ve asked them.

What is the dog doing that is so annoying? If she’s distracting you from work, put her in another room like the bathroom and put on some music or a fan and let her settle. Or go give her a proper walk so she’s tired enough to nap. I dunno.

I think it would be pretty shit to make more trouble for her when she’s down and out already but if you can’t manage the dog then I suppose you need to.


UsuallyWrite2 t1_jaeekh7 wrote

I don’t understand. If he’s at work and you’re at work, it’s really not an appropriate time for a chat.

I don’t text or call my partner during the day unless it’s an emergency. I don’t even check texts during my work day. It’s distracting.

If that’s something you need, maybe date someone who doesn’t have a job and can be at your beck and call.


UsuallyWrite2 t1_jae9d9m wrote

He doesn’t have a therapist, he’s doing nothing to help himself, and you want to take it upon yourself to “help” him. That’s a project. And as you’re not a medical professional nor a therapist, I think it’s kind of an inflated sense of self to think you can fix this.

He’s an adult. I really don’t understand why you’d stick around for this.


UsuallyWrite2 t1_jae78kb wrote

The purpose of dating is to see if you’re a good fit, not to pick up a project and try to change someone.

Your partner has no business even being in a relationship at this time. They need to be working with a therapist and their doctor and focusing on themselves.

I would recommend that you end things and be one less thing for him to have to worry about while he tackles his mental health—especially given how it’s impacting you.


UsuallyWrite2 t1_jadzgkd wrote

Not sure what advice you’re after. You’re an adult and she doesn’t get to tell you what you can or cannot do. She can end a relationship if she is unhappy with things but she doesn’t get to dictate how you spend your free time.

It’s dancing. No one is going to slip and fall on a dick during a dance class.


UsuallyWrite2 t1_jadejr3 wrote

Why do you keep telling her? Are you telling her that so and so thinks she’s wrong or something? I just can’t imagine why you’d be bringing up these discussions to begin with.

It’s normal for people to discuss their personal life with their friends and family.

What is her actual issue with it? Does she feel like she’s being painted in a bad light?