
Usagiboy7 t1_j6748dk wrote

Trust that people can make their own choices about stuff.

If you take off your socks and enjoy the carpet, they'll join you if they want to. And they won't, if they don't want to. This is just an example. The idea behind it applies to a lot of situation beyond socks.

I personally like to communicate directly, because Ive misread situations and social cues more than once. So Im likely to just ask someone, "Is this something you would like encouragement for/about or would you like me to drop it?"

I'm not a mind reader. And most other folks probably arent either. So, I don't like to pretend that I am or that my friends are. My friends are used to me being direct. And increasingly, they are becoming more direct too. It's a relief, honestly. It feels good to not have to guess.


Usagiboy7 t1_j66iuas wrote

It's not just socks. If somebody says no about something that is rightfully their own decision, drop it. People have private reasons for all sorts of decisions they make for themselves. I'm glad you learned this about socks. Hopefully you'll take it as a broader life lesson as well. We are going make mistakes in life. That is a given. It is up to us to grow as much as we possibly can from it. I trust that ypu can and will.


Usagiboy7 t1_j65df1s wrote

Why would you push someone on anything like that? It's not your business. They may have private reasons to do or not do a thing. Leave people alone about their choices about things that don't impact you.

My own family has a history of horrible toe fungus. So, I have a habit of not being barefoot because I don't want to get a toe fungus from anyone. Someone else might have a toe fungus and not wish to spread it or have others see it.

You also live in a world full of creepy men. Blame the creeps. If you encounter any, raise hell at them for making women distrustful and wary.

And yeah, you tifu.


Usagiboy7 t1_j1ovb57 wrote

If I was your gf and deeply in love with you and nobody else, I'd have left your ass immediatelt for going through my phone. That's a creepy, invasive thing to do.

If everyone was encouraging her to pursue someone else, there are details you're leaving out.


Usagiboy7 t1_j1ebwv9 wrote

Lost hikers have been getting rescued recently using new GPS emergency SOS program on their phones. Im not sure all of the details because I dont have an iPhone. Normally, they'd be relying on something like a Garmen InReach or SPOT. I'm currently using Android with bottom of the barrel phone that'll need replacing soonish. But I dont plan to get an iphone. So, I'm hoping someone else comes out with an equivalent (or hopefully better) feature.

You're saying pixel already has this feature? Because that would be awesome. Which models? Thanks!


Usagiboy7 t1_ixxrura wrote

I recommend not drinking now that you know youll be choosing to become a shitty person if you do.

You didnt have more friends because you were an asshole as a kid. Your friends then were either fellow assholes or hadnt yet learned what kinds of treatment they deserve from their peers.

And, being nice doesnt obligate people to be your friend either.

Adults have limited time and energy. There isnt enough of the precious stuff to give to everyone. So they select some people who are the kind they want to be friends with, and gift them that rare stuff.

If you are shitty to your friends, you lose them. Be better next time.