
Uncle_Rabbit t1_j1c0lhg wrote

We need to be living less materialistic consumer focused lives without all the new tech and junk every year, but that's not profitable so that message won't get pushed, instead they want to sell everyone a new car. The materials used to make the cars will be mined, refined, and shipped with fossil fuels and the cars themselves will be manufactured and charged with fossil fuels. Why do EV's need to be connected to the internet to charge as well? Probably so corporations can monitor your habits, locations, everything and then sell the data to other corporations or governments that will pay for it. Hooray! More ads! In theory EV's sound great (if you believe they will all be charged from renewable sources), but I'm skeptical at best about the real world roll out of EV's. It seems like one more cash grab without addressing the underlaying issues society has.