
TylerBourbon t1_j2bepzw wrote

100% MCU was doing pretty decently with some of it's films from Iron Man 1 to Endgame. Characters got put through the ringer. And while I like the first 2 Nolan movies, the only one Batman even got hurt in was 3, but he it was more plot points to hurt him than just a by product of a brutal fight. At least with Pattinson's ending fight Batman nearly went down if it wasn't for what I suspect was venom but could have just been major steroids.

And Marvel is definitely moving away from realism it seems. Falcon and the Winter Soldier, did anyone even look tired after a fight, or like they broke a sweat? And Love and Thunder..... it was basically a Saturday Morning Cartoon when it came to Thor's fighting prowess, we were only missing him raising the hammer to the sky and yelling out that he had the power.

It's getting the point where it feels like the characters being tired or hurt is like a gun running out of ammo in an 80s action movie, only when the plot needs it to happen.


TylerBourbon t1_j2b8mzc wrote

Interestingly though, that wasn't a boon in his cap at the time. He was a "heart-throb" sure, but it was for a comedic tv role in a comedy drama show. Not exactly a role that screams action movie star, so there was actual concern by many at the time about whether or not people would go see him in a movie.


TylerBourbon t1_j2b8a8h wrote

>Unpopular opinion maybe but I think almost all the superhero movies are boring because of the lack of this.

Completely agree with this. This is why the Daredevil season 1 hallway fight was so damn good. It was brutal, but you could see him getting hurt and getting tired. It made it believable. If they can't match that mentality when filming fights for the new DD series, it will be very disappointing.

I'm not so much on the "kill them off GoT" style but I would definitely love to see more shows have that "anything can actually happen" vibe that made GoT so engrossing. Characters lived and died based on their decisions, whether it was simply misplaced trust, or tactical errors.


TylerBourbon t1_ivbgxo2 wrote

So..... let me get this straight...... the GOP and conservatives have a tendency towards connecting natural disasters and hurricanes with anything they want to claim God is angry about. yet..... then a major tropical storm has a chance of disrupting the election that they are constantly lying about..... but it's totally not God telling them to knock it off..... got it.