
Triumph790 t1_j92pj89 wrote

They just visited my next door neighbor this week. They promised him free install. He asked me about it, since we got a large solar array installed last year and I did a ton of research. I've never heard of this company, but I can assure you it's bullshit. Probably stretching the truth to say the install is rolled into financing or a lease - your city government has no involvement.

Like others have said, if you're interested in solar buy the system outright. Contact many reputable companies for quotes and/or use Energy Sage to solicit bids.


Triumph790 t1_izv4van wrote

The chemical compounds in snow tires keep the rubber softer in cold temperatures and help improve traction, cornering, and stopping on ice (as well as snow). I can guarantee folks would have better control of their vehicles this evening if they had a good snow tire. They just work. It’s the reason Quebec requires them by law - prior to making them mandatory I recall they conducted a study that found something like 80% of winter accidents were caused by the small percentage of drivers who didn’t use them.


Triumph790 t1_izv257w wrote

I always point to incidents like this when people say they don’t use snow tires in New England…you don’t need them until you do. I think drivers here get lulled into a false sense of security because we generally have excellent snow removal, but the plows can’t be everywhere at all times and towns and cities don’t always get it right when it comes to pretreating the roads. I always had snow tires on my cars in Colorado, and I use them here in Mass. Be prepared, folks.


Triumph790 t1_iuavjp6 wrote

Our Liberty set is 10 years old (they went by the name "Sherrill Manufacturing" at the time) and is in spectacular condition - heavy use and always cleaned in the dishwasher. Still shiny and no bending - you can scoop ice cream with the teaspoons without bending them. We have the 65-piece Lexington set. Sorry to hear you had a problem, and glad they stand behind the product.