
Tripdoctor t1_j9ezykt wrote

My main point is that being Jewish doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not white, or vice versa. As they are not mutually exclusive.

It’s one of the most heterogeneous groups there is.


Tripdoctor t1_j9ev172 wrote

Which also shows up in DNA tests for non-Jews/anyone living in those regions.

A couple thousand years ago, Judaism would have been absolutely tied to an ethnicity (more accurately, a nationality). But It’s so heterogeneous now that being Jewish does not equate to one’s race. You can be Jewish and be white. Or black.

I guess the important thing is to separate the ethnicity from the ideology. But that ethnicity has been so absorbed by literally every region they’ve inhabited that it’s not very accurate to say there’s a Jewish race. They’re of all races.


Tripdoctor t1_j9efq5h wrote

Who’s gonna tell him that Judaism is only vaguely rooted in an ethnicity/how it’s irrelevant to modern Jews?

No DNA test is gonna say “Jewish”. And just because you have ancestry from the Middle East isn’t enough evidence.

Just because you’re Jewish doesn’t mean you’re not white.


Tripdoctor t1_j5p21mh wrote

Expressing the disdain for the perceived sinful/immoral whatever is intolerance, what are you talking about?

Expressing it is literally the line where it goes from being in your head to being intolerance.

But I’m not always against people expressing it. As it is a good tool to identify the intolerant individuals in society, and publicly shame/mock them. Which is essential for any society hoping to progress.