
TreeB7 OP t1_j4hg069 wrote

I am sorry for what you went through, but do not blame yourself, he is the one who lost you and not the other way around, sometimes people get lost in their emotions and get pressured by norms, family and society, other times you might have been dealing with a narcissist but what you need to know is that you need to move on, forgive and forget, if he is not willing to sacrifice for you than he was not the right guy for you in the first place, true live is about respect and sacrifice, if those 2 factors are not there than it wasn't love, it was just a bunch of feelings accumulated, stop blaming yourself and learn from this experience, one day you will find the right person for you, it is a good idea to stay away from places that remind you of him in order to heal and rebuild, but true healing starts from within, start by forgiving him for what he did and most importantly forgive yourself for trusting him, and start rebuilding and loving yourself again, pamper yourself, you deserve it. Good luck and do not forget to know your worth and not to hold grudges because it will destroy you emotionally, forgive in order to help yourself and for your sake. Take care


TreeB7 OP t1_j45n29a wrote

It is really a personal choice, for me I like to keep them to show them that even tho they are not part of my life anymore, I am happy, satisfied and going forward with or without them, you might think that they do notice that but they do, people feel it when you detach and move on.

I forgot the most important thing, you need to forgive them for doing that, once you do you will feel much better and the emotional exhaustion that they put you through will go away for good.


TreeB7 OP t1_j45eo3l wrote

Do not remove them, keep them but do not like or watch any of their posts or stories, always remember that when people distance themselves from you, it is not your fault, it is their insecurities and their problems, just move on, sometimes people come to our lives for us to help them with something and once our job is done they just move away, be happy they left because their place in your life was only temporary, only the real ones stay and the fake ones tend to leave.