
TomBinger4Fingers t1_ja9zelo wrote

I think people start here and follow the hype, buying options and losing money. Then, in the neverending pursuit to become a Chad trader, they start selling options and graduate to thetagang. Then, finally, they ask their wife's boyfriend for financial advice and move into their final destination, bogleheads. There is no coming back from this place, they won't let you leave (misery loves company). They make 8% gains yearly average in a Roth IRA account, and their life is over now.

As these born-again-virgin traders try to brag about their IRAs and 401Ks and HSAs to their friends, they realize nobody cares, and they have nothing. Money is meaningless, just numbers on a screen. Investing isn't fun anymore. They lie awake at next next to their new wife, and her new boyfriend, fantasizing about the days as a true yoloer and wsb degenerate. A tear rolls down their cheek as they picture the Lambo that never existed, only to be replaced by the Elantra in the driveway.

But still they know, in their heart, if they would have just made one more trade, the big one, they could have avoided this horrible fate. They would be sitting on a yacht drinking Wild Turkey and snorting Adderall with the likes of DFV and Bill Huang, making 40K yolos just for fun cause they got FU money at this stage. The smart wsb degenerates know this, and buying a hedge-fund manager a new wine cooler is a small price to pay for eternal glory.